Chicagoans brave flooded streets to get things done before NASCAR resumes

Torrential downpours across Chicago caused flooding midday Sunday, delaying sports, events, and the 2023 NASCAR Chicago Street Race. Despite warnings from the National Weather Service to remain indoors, city residents decided to take advantage of the sudden and unexpected access to downtown.
“It’s Sunday; I got shit to do!” Marcus Dewitt yelled to us as he paddled down Jackson Boulevard on his front door. “But eh, yo! I don’t think you’re supposed to bring a helicopter down here!”
Cynthia Rillow, floating by in a makeshift canoe, explained how she sprung into action after seeing the flash flood warning on her phone. “I just grabbed a two-by-four, hopped in my car’s rooftop carrier, and took off! People from out of town should be careful, though! I saw a couple from Indiana get swept away back there!” When we asked her how she knew the couple was from Indiana, she replied, “They were trying to paddle a doormat with a colander and a tennis racket!”
The flooding didn’t last long, however, and by 5 pm, NASCAR confirmed the streets were once again ready for racing. Unfortunately, taking a turn at 150 miles per hour on freshly watered asphalt is harder than you’d think, but luckily no Chicagoans were injured.
In loving memory of our fearless helicopter news team.